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Location: Europe
Bern (125.000 inhab.)
Main Cities:
Zürich, Geneva, Basel, Lausanne, Friburgo, Lucerna, San Gallo, Lugano
41,284 km2
1 Swiss franc = 100 centimes
French, German, Italian, Romansh
Roman Catholic, Protestant
Alpi (Mt.Rosa 4637 m., Mt.Cervino 4478 m., Piz.Bernina 4050 m., Mt.Rheinwaldhorn 3402 m.), Alpi Bernesi (Mt.Jungfrau 4158 m., Mt.Finster-Aarhorn 4274 m.), Giura
Rhine, Rhône, Inn, Ticino, Aar
Geneva, Konstanz, Neuchatel, Zürich, Zug, Four Cantons, Brienz, Thun, Biel



The Swiss Confederation is formed from 23 cantons, of which 3 are divided in half-cantons; also of very different dimensions among them, where 4 official languages (German, French, Italian and Romansh) are spoken and where different religions are professed.
There is a cohabitation without any problem and a national strong compactness.
The nation is little, alpine, uniformly inhabited, very good.
It is rich of mountains, of very beautiful lakes, of well cultivated valleys, of very pleasant historical towns.
You can think to the splendid Berne, Freiburg, Lucerne, Zug, Schaffhausen, Schwyz . But the most eye-catcher things of the Switzerland are the roads and the railways risky. They rise everywhere, with breathtaking elbows and striking declines. They reach the top where the glance sweeps over mountains, glaciers, lakes, vallyes of an infinite sweetness and a monumental beauty.

* Information and news of every kind (and photographic documentation) about Switzerland are to disposition of the partners of the Worldwide Geographic Academy: info@accademiageograficamondiale.com




June '08 September '10  
La marea arancione
Dal San Gottardo all'Oberland bernese f

Verso il Susten Pass Luci sul Lago di Brienz Iseltwald Grindelwald

Il Lago di Brienz Casa fiorita Ghiacciaio sull'Eiger Autunno nella Svizzera Centrale

Dal Furkapass Friburgo I campanili di Berna Il fiume Aar

Il ghiacciaio del Rodano Il Rodano nel Vallese Lucerna La cattedrale di Berna 

Battello sui laghi svizzeri Baita a Interlaken Alpeggi a Grindelwald Zurigo

Photographies to greater solution can be found to the page The Old Europe Gallery