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All the numbers of the Geomondo

Free download our harvest of font, install them on your computer and you could visualize the Geomondo with the character with which has been compiled!!
-Download Fonts-

Our partners can ask for the publication of a them elaborate on the Geomondo, as? simple, it will be enough to send:
the text in formed word; at least 10 digital photos (resolution: 700x525 pixels).

Where? to the
Editorial Unit (click here)


The "Geomondo", a web-newspaper of the A.G.M., online to furnish, every month, new ideas and things to ponder to all those people, curious of the world, who will want to devote it attention.

The "Geomondo" is compiled by the A.G.M. in collaboration with the associates and it is freely downloadable from this site.

Many AGM members tell us that the Geomondo does not open in a easy way. This depends from the adequacy of the browser and Adobe's updates . However, we recommend to solve the problem in this simple way: go on Geomondo miniature and click on it with the right mouse button; a window will open and you'll have to click with the left mouse button on "save link as", in 1 or 2 minutes, in accordance with daytime and traffic of users, Geomondo will be saved on the desktop of your pc. At that point you will always have Geomondo available at any time with immediate opening.

LAST NUMBER: July - August 2018





April 2018

May 2018

June 2018


January 2018

February 2018


March 2018
