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Location: Asia
Hanoi (3.050.000 inhab.)
Main Cities:
Ho Chi Minh (Saigon), Hai Phong, Da Nang, Hue, Buon Me Thuot
331,040 km2
1 dông = 10 hau = 100 xu
Buddhist, Roman Catholic
The Independence's Year:
1976 (reunification )
Monts of the Yunnan, Cordigliera Annamita (Ngoc Linh 2598 m.)
Mekong, Red River, Amur River



How the bloody and for certain versos absurd war of the Vietcong of the years '60 - '70 of last century is far!
After the occupation of Saigon (1975), the retirement of the USA troops, the reunification of the country (1976) and at last the constitution of 1992, which recognized the principle of the private property, today Vietnam is a poor state, but at the same time an economic reality among the most lively ones of its area.
The landscape is very good, there are the delta of Mekong (intently cultivated to rice and sugar cane), central plateuas covered with forests, mountain typical environments and the beauties, by often exalting, of its coasts long beyond 3.000 kilometers.
And then it is pleasant to see that despite of a deep-rooted cultural and religious tradition, the change of the present civilization and the face of the towns move quickly. There are always more shops, markets, restaurants and hotels.

* Information and news of every kind (and photographic documentation) about Vietnam are to disposition of the partners of the Worldwide Geographic Academy: info@accademiageograficamondiale.com

February '08


Caffè steso al sole Case galleggianti Coltivazioni di caffè Donne Dzao

Donne H'mong Hue Il Mausoleo di Ho Chi Minh Il ponte giapponese ad Hoi An

Il Ponte Rosso ad Hanoi Interno di una casa H'mong Isole nella Baia di Halong L'Operà di Saigon

La Baia di Halong La campagna di Sapa Risaie nella regione di Sapa Sapa

Statue ad Hanoi Venditrice di banane ad Hanoi Tramonto nella Baia di Halong Venditore di Rambutan

La Cattedrale di Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City)Contadina del Vietnam centrale Le cascate di Dambri Falls Ragazza H'mong My son Ricamatrice H'mong

Bellezza vietnamitaLa Cattedrale di San Giuseppe ad Hanoi Donna Dzao Donna Dzay Hoi An Donna H'mong

Photographies to greater solution can be found to the page Central and Oriental Asia Gallery