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Location: South America
Caracas (3.500.000 inhab.)
Main Cities:
Maracaibo, Barquisimeto, Valencia, San Cristobal, Ciudad Bolivar, Barcelona, Maracay, Merida
912,050 km2
1 bolívar = 100 céntimos
Roman Catholic
The Independence's Year:
Sierra de Perijà,Cordillera de Merida (Pico Bolivar5007 m.)
Orinoco, Meta, Apure



The country is characterized by a surprising variety of environments and landscapes.
In fact its territory is placed in the zone of contact of 4 different macro areas: Andean one; that of the llanos of the Orinoco, alluvial wide lowland; that of the Massive of the Guayana and that Caribbean, close to a costs heat damp strongly inhabited and where are placed all the principal towns.
Among them: Caracas, one of the greatest metropolises of the Latin America, placed in a valley on the bottom of the Mont Avila in the Cordillera Litoral.It extends as a 25 kilometers long strip with modern big skyscrapers and immense hut quarters.
The territory, that sweeps from the lagoon of Maracaibo, to the Andean high tops, with tops superior than 5.000 meters in the Cordillera of Merida, to the wide plains of the Orinoco (immense river basin). It is made precious by the area of the Big Sabana with the Angel Falls and by the wonderful islands of the small Venezuelan Antilles, as the Island Margarita and that heaven of sea called Los Roques.

* Information and news of every kind (and photographic documentation) about Venezuela are to disposition of the partners of the Worldwide Geographic Academy: info@accademiageograficamondiale.com


April '11 April '11  
gdhgLos Roques hff


Al porticciolo di Cayo Pirata Alla Laguna di Canaima Caracas Cayo de Agua

Favelas Cayo Pirata Gabbiani a Los Roques Gran Roque

Gran Sabana Il Canyon del Diablo Il faro di Cayo de Agua Il Salto Angel

Il villaggio di Gran Roque Isla dos Mosquises La Cattedrale di Caracas L'Isola di Gran Roque

Laguna di Canaima Lungo il Rio Carrao Madrisqui Nella foresta pluviale

Orchidea selvatica Pappagallo nella foresta equatoriale Parque El Avila Pellicani

Salto Hacha Scuola venezuelana Tepui Salto Sapo