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Location: Oceania
Capitale: Vaiaku on the atoll of Funafuti
Population: 12,000
Area: 25 km2
Coin: 1 Tuvalu dollar = 100 cents
Languages: Tuvaluan, English
Religions: Protestant
The Independence's Year: 1978



Archipelago of the Pacific Ocean of only 25 Kmq, constitued from 5 atolls and other 4 coral islands, few to South of the equator to about 4.000 kilometers from the northern coasts of Australia.
The surface of the emersed earths is very little, but put on an insular arc of almost 700 Km. The greatest island is Vaitupu, extended for only 5 Kmq; the capital Vaiaku is placed on the wonderful atoll of Funafuti.
The islands are formed by colonies of corals installed on the edges of extinct volcanic craters and placed to weak depth.
The islands never raise above the 5 - 6 meters on the sea level!

* Information and news of every kind (and photographic documentation) about Tuvalu are to disposition of the partners of the Worldwide Geographic Academy: info@accademiageograficamondiale.com