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Location: Oceania
Nuku'alofa (29.000 inhab.)
748 km2
1 pa'anga = 100 seniti
English, Tongan
Protestant, Roman Catholic, Mormon
The Independence's Year:



Little kingdom of only 748 Kmq, but constituted by more than 150 wonderful islands of volcanicity or coralline origin in the center of Polynesia.
Islands are formed of by three main groups: the Tongatapu Group at south, formed by the main island, Eua and a lot of little atolls; the Ha' apai Islands at the middle, formed of by tens of little atolls and the Vava'u Islands, sailors' paradise; besides the Tofahi Islands in the far north.
The main island is Tongatapu, on whose northern coasts the capital rises: Nuku'alofa, nice town, dominated by the small Royal Palace, the only town of Tonga.
Most of the population is obese.
Islands and sea are wonderful everywhere.


* Information and news of every kind (and photographic documentation) about Tonga are to disposition of the partners of the Worldwide Geographic Academy: info@accademiageograficamondiale.com


August '08
Viaggio a Vanuatu, Fiji, Tonga e Samoa
August '08
Il Fafa Island Resort

Palme e spiagge A Fafa Island Fale tongano Gallinella a Fafa

Coralli Coralli 2 Coralli viola e gialli Tramonto in mare

Frutta tongana Atollo Ha'amonga Thriliton Keleti Beach

A Tongatapu A Keleti Strada a Tongatapu I soffioni di Blow Holes

Palazzo reale a Nuku Alofa Edifici a Nuku Alofa

Photographies to greater solution can be found to the page Oceania Gallery