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Location: Asia
Bangkok (7.360.000 inhab.)
Main Cities:
Chiang Mai, Chon Buri, Nakhon Sawan, Nakhon Ratchasima, Ubon Ratchathani
513,115 km2
1 baht = 100 satang
Buddhist, Moslem
The Independence's Year:
Monts Bilauk
Mekong, Menam



Country of Indochina (it is the ex Siam), limited monarchy to parliamentary regime, it is in economic growth, with generalized increase of the living standard and the schooling rate (illiterates are only the 4%).
It overlooks the Gulf of the Siam (to east) and both the Sea of the Andamane (to west); through Kra isthmus the Thai territory connects to the Malay peninsula.
It is a beautiful nation, with one charming and chaotic capital (Bangkok); with huge forests in the northern high earths; with wide and very cultivated alluvial plains (Rivers Menam and Mekong) and with beautiful tropical beaches to South (Phuket and Phi Phi Islands Islands).
The Gold Buddha Monastery in Bangkok and those on the River Kwai to Kanchanaburi are only some of the artistic and cultural attractions of the nation.

* Information and news of every kind (and photographic documentation) about Thailand are to disposition of the partners of the Worldwide Geographic Academy: info@accademiageograficamondiale.com


August '07


Lop Buri, il tempio delle scimmie Koh Samui Mercatino di Pat Pong a Bangkok Banane alla brace

Bambina del nord Phra Pathom Chedi Contadina thailandese Damnoen Saduak Donna giraffa   

 Ancient Siam Colonna al Grand Palace La Pagoda d'oro a Bangkok Tempio a Samut Prakan A Bangkok

Il triangolo d'oro  Wat Haripoonchiai Wat Pharatat Doi Suthep Risaie del nord

Grand Palace a Bangkok Il Buddha d'oro Il Mekong La cottura del riso

Nong Khai Samut Prakan Tuk tuk Bangkok by night

Photographies to greater solution can be found to the page Central and Oriental Asia Gallery