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Location: Europe
Stockholm (1.625.000 inhab.)
Main Cities:
Gothenburg, Malmö, Uppsala, Umea, Linkoping, Norrkoping, Orebro, Lund, Lulea, Jonkoping, Helsingborg
449,964 km2
1 Swedish krona = 100 öre
Lutheran Protestant
Mt.Kebnekaise (2117 m.)
Torne, Lule, Ume, Pite, Angerman, Indals, Ljusnan
Vanern, Vattern, Malaren



It occupies all the eastern part of the Scandinavian peninsula, which overlooks toward Botnia Gulf with low and mostly linear coasts, while to south-west Sweden is wetted from the Kattegat, which insinuates itself toward earth in deep inlets like the Norwegian fiords.
The nation is wide, poorly inhabited (20 inhab/ Kmq), extremely organized, civilian, rich, with green beautiful landscapes, splendid lakes and comfortable town.
The decrease of the births is clear with a natural strong decrease of the population, however there is a solid immigration, above all from the Balkan area and the European east, but also from the Middle East.
Wide part of the territory (about 8%) is occupied from very beautiful big lakes, among which the most famous ones are the Vanern, the Vattern, on whose banks the wonderful small town of Vadstena rises and the Malaren with the beautiful center of Mariefred and with artificial channels which attach it from the Baltic Sea to Stockholm.

* Information and news of every kind (and photographic documentation) about Sweden are to disposition of the partners of the Worldwide Geographic Academy: info@accademiageograficamondiale.com


October '07
January '08
Vasa Museet
June '09
Stoccolma in bicicletta


Idrovolante sul Lago Malaren L'Isola di Hallo Il castello di Vadstena Il municipio di Trosa

Skarhamn La vecchia Stoccolma Fjallbacka Goteborg

Stoccolma di notte Laghi e foreste nella Svezia meridionale Mariefred Stoccolma

Sul Lago Vattern Trosa Birger Jarls torg a Stoccolma Vicoli di Stoccolma

Casetta svedese Il campanile della Chiesa dei Francescani a Stoccolma Il LagoMalaren a Mariefred Il Municipio di Stoccolma Stoccolma di notte Stoccolma

Photographies to greater solution can be found to the page The Great North Gallery