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Location: Middle East
Damasco (1.550.000 inhab.)
Main Cities:
Aleppo, Homs, Hamah, Latakia, Hassetche
185,180 km2
1 Syrian pound = 100 piastres
Arab, Kurdish, Armenian
Moslem, Christian
The Independence's Year:
Gebel ech Cheikh (2814 m.)
Euphrat, Orontes



Extremist nation, governed by a dynastic dictatorship since further on 35 years (first father Assad and from 2000 Assad son), engaged Lebanon militarily by making it in fact an its protectorate.
Despite the democracy lack it is a very beautiful nation, with towns charming as Damascus and Aleppo; with fantastic archaeological centers as the wonderful Palmira, Apamea, Bosra; with impressive crossed heritages as the Krak des Chevaliers (the riders' amazing fortress) and with a desert striking that recalls biblical scenes.
Stop to the descend of the sun in the immense very beautiful courtyard of the Mosque of the Omayyadi to Damask or climb up the fortress of the Qalaat ibn-Maan and dominate the impressive ruins of Palmira, they are among the most beautiful experience that you can live in the whole Middle East.

* Information and news of every kind (and photographic documentation) about Syria are to disposition of the partners of the Worldwide Geographic Academy: info@accademiageograficamondiale.com


September '06

Apamea Il cortile della Moschea degli Omayyadi Il Krak des Chevaliers Il Teatro romano di Bosra

L'ingresso della cittadella di Aleppo La cittadella di Aleppo La Via Colonnata a Palmira Le norie di Hamah

Palmira Ragazzo di Aleppo Tramonto a Palmira Dal Krak des Scevaliers

Aleppo La via colonnata ad Apamea Moschea degli Omayyadi Particolare della Moschea degli Omayyadi

Photographies to greater solution can be found to the page Middle East Gallery