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Location: Asia
Singapore (3.000.000 inhab.)
648 km2
1 Singapore dollar = 100 cents
Chinese, Malayan, Tamil, English
Buddhist, Christian, Moslem, Taoist, Hindu
The Independence's Year:



The state is constituted by a big island placed in the neighbourhood of the southern extreme tip of the peninsula Malay, from which it is separate by Johor channel.
The surface of the state is occupied for further on 1/5 from the town of Singapore, extremely lively center, cosmopolitan (the population is constituted by Chineses, Malays, Indians and Europeans), rich of traffic and commercial, financial and bank activities.
Singapore is one of the worldwide greatest harbours and airport of the Asiatic south-east. Despite the very hot and damp, equatorial climate Singapore is also pleasant turist destination, with excellent receptive and congressional structures.

* Information and news of every kind (and photographic documentation) about Singapore are to disposition of the partners of the Worldwide Geographic Academy: info@accademiageograficamondiale.com




Alla Marina Bay Il Museo Nazionale Singapore Il Raffles Hotel

Il Marina Bay Sands L'interno del Raffles La Chiesa armena La Dea Kali

Il Marina Bay Sands illuminato Little India Preghiere cinesi I grattacieli di Singapore

Singapore Cricket Club Verso il porto Tempio Indù Le architetture di Singapore

  Ai templi di Little India I saloni del Raffles Hotel La Cattedrale di St. Andrew e lo Swiss Hotel Le autostrade di Singapore Tempio indiano

Photographies to greater solution can be found to the page Central and Oriental Asia Gallery