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Location: Europe
San Marino (2.300 inhab.)
61 km2
1 euro = 100 cents
Roman Catholic
The Independence's Year:
1253, first statutes; it is the most ancient republic on the Earth
Mt. Titano (738 m.)



The young enclave in the Italian territory between the Romagna and Marche is the more ancient Republic of the world (first statutes go up again at 1253).
Coming in to Dogana, on the street that comes from Rimini, there are a lot of shopping centers and big discount up to feet of the Monte Titano.
Then for road of medieval plant of the village, there are shops, bar and fast food to every corner but when finally we reaches the first tower, the Guaita, the view is breath-taking and the fortress is very beautiful.
Then the covered toward the second tower, the Cesta, with medieval visions and a built path of rare glamour, has forgotten the markets there below.
At last the way between the Cesta and the third tower, the Montale, between a flowered of violets and cyclamens and fragrant of sea wood, not much frequented, justifies the whole journey.

* Information and news of every kind (and photographic documentation) about San Marino are to disposition of the partners of the Worldwide Geographic Academy: info@accademiageograficamondiale.com



Chiesetta a San Marino Dalla rocca di San Marino Dalla rocca un mare di nebbia

La Cesta La chiesa di San Marino Verso il castello della Guaita La piazza di San Marino

Il Montale La Guaita Verso la Torre Cesta Il Palazzo del Governo Il castello della Guaita

Photographies to greater solution can be found to the page The Old Europe Gallery