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Location: Europe
London (7.200.000 inhab.)
Main Cities:
Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Belfast, Leeds, Nottingham, Newcastle, Sheffield
242,910 km2
1 pound sterling = 100 pence
Protestant, Roman Catholic, Moslem, Hindu, Jewess
Grampian (Mt. Ben Nevis 1343 m.), Pennines, Cambrian
Thames, Severn, Humber, Tyne, Mersey, Clyde
Lomond, Neagh, Ness



The United Kingdom of Great Britain and North Ireland, occupies, as the name says, the wide island of Great Britain, constituted from the 3 historical areas of England, Wales and Scotland and the northern part of the island of Ireland (the Ulster).
It is a historical constitutional monarchy; up to half of the last century the most important and powerful nation in the world, today, with the end of the colonialism,it is a state of more less importance, even if one of the military and economic greater powers of the planet.
England is strongly inhabited; other areas have very low density. Here the industrialization was born, that already at the end of the eighteenth century changed the western world, from rural to urban and industrial.
Except London, town of big glamour and historical thickness among the most important ones of the world, and little other exceptions (York, Edinburgh...) the English towns are grey and bad.
But how many very beautiful small towns and enchanting countries are scattered on the English and Scottish territory from Salisbury to Winchester; from Wells to Penzance; from Ely to Lincoln; from Chester to Gloucester; from Durham to Elgin; from Oban to Inverness...
And how the English countryside, from the Cornwall to the Lake District, from the Loch Ness and to the Islands Hebrides is good!

* Information and news of every kind (and photographic documentation) about United Kingdom are to disposition of the partners of the Worldwide Geographic Academy: info@accademiageograficamondiale.com



May '10

bvSkye: l'isola delle nuvole

August '07

Notting Hill Carnival
September '06
Nella Terra di Re Artù tra le baie della Cornovaglia


February '11
Città d'Europa: Londra
September '07
Il Made in Italy che avanza
January '07
London, British style

July '10


September '07
That's England
July '07
Un italiano nel North-End londinese

July '10

bvLa Regione dei borders in Scozia


Alla Giant's Causeway Bed and Breakfast York St. Ives

Cambridge Elgin La Giant's Causeway in Irlanda del Nord Oxford Circus, Londra

Nei pressi di Stranraer Nella baia di Penzance Oxford Villaggio nell' Inghilterra centrale

Stonehenge Stratford-on-Avon Sul Mare del Nord in Scozia Land's End

Cambio della guardia a Windsor Big Ben a Londra Lincoln Whitby Jedburgh

Cambio della guardia, Londra Penzance St. Michael's Mount Edimburgo

Melrose Salisbury Portree, capoluogo dell'Isola di Skye Lyndhurst 

Il Castello di Edimburgo Cottage (New Forest) Portobello Road, Londra L'Abbazia di Jedburgh

Dunster Exeter Newquay Maniero di campagna a Trerice

Photographies to greater solution can be found to the page The Old Europe Gallery