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Location: Europe
Lisbon (664.000 inhab.)
Main Cities:
Oporto, Coimbra, Braga, Setubal, Evora, Faro
92,235 km2
1 euro = 100 cents
Roman Catholic
The Independence's Year:
1910 (prima repubblica)
Tagus, Douro, Guadiana, Mino



The bigness of the historical epoch of the great navigators there is not any more; the colonial empire, arrived up to dawnings of the years '60, is only a memory; but the present Portugal remains a beautiful, rich of history, pleasant and genuine state.
There is not only the continental nation,on the lengthened tip of the Iberian peninsula that overlooks the Atlantic Ocean, there is also the insular part with Madeira's islands and the volcanic very beautiful Azores, lengthened in the means of the ocean.
Lisbon is a town of eighteenth-century plant in spectacular position on the huge estuary of Tagus, very pretty, but maybe the glamour of the Portugal must be searched with calm in countries and the small towns of province, in the sweet, very quiet Evora; Tomar; Batalha; Nazarč, Guimaraes and Braganca.
For the beauty of the landscape and the sea is necessary knowing the Algarve and the Azores and the centers of Faro, Lagos and Sagres, the suggestion of the Cabo de S.Vincente, where the Europe finishes in Atlantic and the Terceira Island or the lost Corvo.

* Information and news of every kind (and photographic documentation) about Portugal are to disposition of the partners of the Worldwide Geographic Academy: info@accademiageograficamondiale.com




Coimbra Villaggio dellì Algarve Il tram n. 28 uno dei simboli di Lisbona Praca do Commercio

Lisbona Il Padrao dos Descobrimentos Il Ponte 25 de Abril Particolare della Torre di Belem

Lagos Locanda nei pressi di Cabo de S.Vicente Nazarè Il chiostro del monastero dos Jeronimus

 Los Jeronimos a Lisbona  L' abbazia di Alcobaca  Convento dos Jeronimos a Lisbona  La Sè Patriarcal

Batalha  Alcobaca  La Torre di Belem a Lisbona  L'interno della Cattedrale di Lisbona

Photographies to greater solution can be found to the page The Old Europe Gallery