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Location: Europe
Warsaw (2.134.000 inhab.)
Main Cities:
Lódz, Krakov, Wroclaw, Poznan, Gdansk, Szczecin
312,685 km2
1 zloty = 100 groszy
Roman Catholic
The Independence's Year:
Sudetes, Beskids
Vistula, Oder, Notec



It is the country that maybe more suffered the destructions of the second worldwide war and sharings post war, even with a shifting form west to east of the territory.
The long dictatorship of communist kind slowly finished in the years '80 thanks to two pacifists and ideologically very strong hands: The syndicate Solidarnosc of Lech Walesa and the election and the firm activity of the first Polish Pope Karol Wojtila.
Modern, democratic and entered the European community, Poland is laboriously aligning to the canons of the western Europe, but the traditions and the deep Catholicism remain unchanged.
It is a nation constituted from a very wide lowland furrowed from big rivers (Vistula and Oder) and studded with lakes, made precious from very beautiful towns, among which Krakov.

* Information and news of every kind (and photographic documentation) about Poland are to disposition of the partners of the Worldwide Geographic Academy: info@accademiageograficamondiale.com


March '11 March '11  
dsadLa Kashubia fsdf


Cerimonia religiosa Cortile dello Zamek Artisti di strada Il Sukiennice a Cracovia 

Campagna nella Slesia Poznan Rogalin Wroclaw

L'Oder ghiacciato a Wroclaw Casa polacca Case di Stare Miasto a Varsavia Il castello di Wilanow

Il Wawel a Cracovia La cattedrale del Wawel Rynek a Varsavia Malbork

La statua di Chopin a Varsavia Ornamenti pasquali Sinagoga a Kazimierz Suonatore polacco

Lo Zamek a Varsavia Musicisti polacchi Nel Rynek a Varsavia Nowe Miasto a Varsavia

Pasticceria polacca Piazza Zamkowy a Varsavia Kartuzy Varsavia di notte

Danzica Piazza Zamkowy e il castello di Varsavia Lo Stary Rinek a Poznan Zukovo

Varsavia al crepuscolo Rynek a Cracovia Case della vecchia Breslavia La cattedrale di Varsavia La Mariacki a Cracovia Il palazzo della cultura

Photographies to greater solution can be found to the page The Old Europe Gallery