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Location: South America
Lima (7.300.000 inhab.)
Main Cities:
Arequipa, Trujillo, Chiclayo, Cajamarca, Huancayo, Iquitos, Puno, Callao, Cuzco
1,285,216 km2
1 nuevo sol = 100 céntimos
Spanish, Quechua, Aymará
Roman Catholic
The Independence's Year:
Cordillera of the Andes (Mt. Huascaran 6768 m., Mt. Salccantay 6271 m., Mt. Ausangate 6384 m., Mt. Coropuna 6425 m.)
Amazon River, Napo, Ucayali, Huallaga, Maranon, Urubamba



One of the poorest, most beautiful and shocking countries of the Latin America, placed between the Pacific Ocean and the Amazonian tropical forest, raises with the Andean splendid chains, made precious by Spanish colonial exceptional centers and Incaic vestigia of very big suggestion.
Visit Peru means passing by the fogs and its damp and grey air of the pacific coast, but also from the disorder and the pollution of the very wide capital Lima (over 7 millions of inhabitants) to the clear and clean air of Andes, to the damp heat of the Amazon.
In the capital almost lives a third of the whole population of Peru, while on the Andean cordillera and in the Amazonian plain the density is very low.
Cuzco, to further on 3300 meters msl, is a very beautiful town, with a splendid plant colonial, with very numerous monuments of Spanish epoch risen on the foundations of Incaic buildings, constituted by massive walls made of square stone.
From Cuzco you can reach easily charming colonial centers (Pisac, Chincero) with the unfailing and striking Incaic ruins and above all you can reach, with a spectacular way (only by railway or on foot) the archaeological place more shocking in the world: Machu Picchu.
At last one we can not forget the Lake Titicaca to further on 3800 meters msl, with its light and its splendid populations.

* Information and news of every kind (and photographic documentation) about Perù are to disposition of the partners of the Worldwide Geographic Academy: info@accademiageograficamondiale.com


April '07
April '10
hjMisteri del Perù
June '10
hMachu Picchu

Ande peruviane Cuzco Peruviani a Sacsayhuaman Le gradonature di Machu  Picchu

Il campanile di Chinchero La piazza di Cuzco La Plaza de Armas a Cuzco Lago Titicaca

Ragazza con agnellino Ragazza con lama Sulle isole degli Uros Per le strade di Cuzco

Chinchero Machu Picchu Bambino di Pizac

Photographies to greater solution can be found to the page Latin America Gallery