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Location: Middle East
Masqat (1.000.000 inhab.)
Main Cities:
Nizwa, Salalah, Sur
309,500 km2
1 rial Omani = 1,000 baizas
Arab, English
Sunni Moslem, Hindu, Christian
The Independence's Year:
Gebel Sham 3017 m., Gebel Simhan 1463 m.,Jebel Akhdar.




Desert state of the southern Arabic peninsula, big how Italy, it is placed to east of Yemen and south of Saudi Arabia.
It has an only 10 ab/ Kmq density; it is a monarchy absolute (sultanate) where parties are not admitted.
It has big deposits of natural gas and also of petroleum that obtain heavy wealth to the sultan and evident wellbeing to the population. Infact sanitation and education are completely free and well organized.
Mountain landscapes, oases, wadi, desert and coast are very beautiful. Fortes, there are a lot of these in Oman, are big buildings, often amazing.
The old city of Nizwa, well renovate, is a fascinate place, where mix togheter traditions and modernity.
The capital Muscat, from small port between the mountains, now is becoming a big centre with about 1 millions of inhabitants.


* Information and news of every kind (and photographic documentation) about Oman are to disposition of the partners of the Worldwide Geographic Academy: info@accademiageograficamondiale.com


April '08
Reportage: Oman
April '08
Tradizione e modernitą

Ayajh  Bimah Sinkhole  Forte di Jablin  Gran Canyon d'Arabia

Il forte di Nizwa  Il palazzo del sultano  La moschea Sultan Qaboos  Le spiagge di Fins

Muscat  Notturno a Nizwa  Omanita  Bahla

Qalhat  Scolaresca  Nell'oasi di Buraimi  Wadi Shab

Wahiba Sands  Forte Al-Khandaq  Omaniti  Pescatori a Sur

La grande moschea di Muscat  La moschea di Nizwa  Minareto di Nizwa  Nell'oasi di Bahla  Surt

Photographies to greater solution can be found to the page Middle East Gallery