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Location: Africa
Windhoek (147.000 inhab.)
Main Cities:
Swakopmund, Walvis Bay
825,118 km2
1 Namibian dollar = 100 cents
English, Afrikaans, German
Protestant, Roman Catholic
The Independence's Year:




It is the ex German Africa of the Southwest, independent only from 1990.
It is a great (almost 3 times more than Italy), desert and a little inhabited (density of only 2 abs / Kmq) nation, very beautiful. It is an organized nation, civil, cleaning up and pacific; characterized anywhere from extraordinary landscapes, both long the coast, both in the great deserts of the west Namib and of the east Kalahari, both in the buckets inside plateaus as the splendid Damaraland or in the salty depressions like the Etosha Pan.
It is the kingdom of the nature, in fact it is easy to meet all the most known kinds of the wild animals of Africa.
To slowly cross the Etosha and to stop in its frequent puddles of water means to familiarize with enormous elephants and with tall giraffes, with thousand of zebras and antelopes, with ostriches, gnu and families of lions with their pups.

* Information and news of every kind (and photographic documentation) about Namibia are to disposition of the partners of the Worldwide Geographic Academy: info@accademiageograficamondiale.com


May '06

Colonia di otarie a Cape Cross Zebre a Etosha Rinoceronti a Ongava Elefanti nell'Etosha

Il Damaraland Il deserto del Namib Le dune del Namib Nel Khaudom

Bambino di Khorixas Windhoek Giraffa Donna namibiana

Otaria a Cape Cross Boscimane del Khadoum Bambina del Damaraland

Photographies to greater solution can be found to the page Sothern Africa Gallery