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Location: Asia
Naypyidaw (100.000 inhab.)
Main Cities:
Yangon, Mandalay, Bassein, Moulmein
676,577 km2
1 kyat = 100 pyas
Burmese, English
Buddhist, Christian, Moslem
The Independence's Year:
Chain of the Arakan (Mt. Victoria 3053m.)
Irrawaddy, Salween



The ex English Burma is a great nation few more than the double one of Italy with over 45 million inhabitants and therefore with a density of only 52 abs / Kmq.
It is a socialist republic with unique party, commanded dictatorially by a Military Junta by 1988, that it has been persisting for years in the violation of the human rights and in the repression of the ethnic minorities.
What a pity, because it is a beautiful nation, with the most interesting city, Yangon, embellished from numerous pagodas (for example Sule, 46 mt tall and and the amazing Shwedagon) and with many other beautiful cities as Mandalay, Lake Inle area and the sacred site of Bagan.
Very interesting the numerous villages on pile-dwelling and the coastal belt of the narrow cimosa that pushes it toward south, accompanied by the Islands of the archipelago of Mergui.

* Information and news of every kind (and photographic documentation) about Myanmar are to disposition of the partners of the Worldwide Geographic Academy: info@accademiageograficamondiale.com


Febraury '07


A Bagan Al mercato di Kalaw Alla Botataung Paya Alla Shwedagon Paya a Yangon

Donna Akka Buddha all'Ananda Paya a Bagan Carro con i buoi Buddha disteso a Bago

Durante la cerimonia di ordinazione Donne nelle risaie Donne del Myanmar centrale Fedeli in preghiera

Famiglia birmana I templi di Bagan La pagoda Uppatasanti a Naypyidaw Il Palazzo Reale di Mandalay

L'Ananda Paya a Bagan La Shwedagon Paya a Yangon Le abitazioni dei monaci a Bago Monaci buddisti

Pesca al Lago Inle Risaie Sul Lago Inle Tramonto al Lago Inle

Al tramonto sul Lago Inle Donna giraffa Fumatrice di sigaro La Shwedagon Paya di Yangon Ragazzina del Myanmar centraleStatua di Buddha di tek a Bagan


Photographies to greater solution can be found to the page The Indian Area Gallery