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Location: Europe
Valletta (25.000 inhab.)
315 km2
1 euro = 100 cents
Maltese, English
Roman Catholic
The Independence's Year:




The Maltese archipelago is set to the center of the Mediterranean to the south of Sicily and it is constituted by the islands of Malta, Gozo, Comino and from other islets.
It is one of the most inhabited territories of the world, with a density of over 1.200 abs / Kmq (over 6 times more than Italy; 4 times more than India), with a strange and amusing atmosphere, some English, some Sicilian, some African.
The strong density of the population and therefore the elevated building and the lack of cleaning almost everywhere alter in negative the landscape beauties, however the Blue Lagoon between Comino and Cominotto is one of the sea places most beautiful in the world.

* Information and news of every kind (and photographic documentation) about Malta are to disposition of the partners of the Worldwide Geographic Academy: info@accademiageograficamondiale.com


April '07
Malta, l'isola dei cavalieri al centro del Mediterraneo

Cominotto La Blue Grotto La Blue Lagoon a Comino Acque cristalline a Comino

Veliero alla Blue Lagoon Calesse a Mdina Barca maltese Barche a Xlendi (Gozo)

La Valletta Le scogliere di Comino Marsaxlokk Mdina

Panorama di Gozo La Cattedrale di Mdina Vitoria

Photographies to greater solution can be found to the page The Mediterranean Region Gallery