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Location: Africa
Maseru (300.000 inhab.)
Main Cities:
Teyateyaneng, Mafeteng
30,355 km2
1 loti = 100 lisente
Sotho, Inglese
Christian, Animist
The Independence's Year:



It is a small state of mountain (a little greater than the Piedmont), kingdom of the Basothos and the Zulù, enclave inside the South African Republic.
The mountainous plateau is mezzanine toward east, finishing along the South African border with the spectacular scarps of the Drakensberg.
It is a strange state, with wide percentage of the population tormented by AIDS, but with beautiful landscapes of mountain, rich of waters and of artificial basins.
The capital Maseru (almost 300.000 inhabitants), the only true city of the nation, is set near the border with the South Africa.

* Information and news of every kind (and photographic documentation) about Lesotho are to disposition of the partners of the Worldwide Geographic Academy: info@accademiageograficamondiale.com



Cattedrale di Maseru Gole di Roma Villaggio vicino a Hlotse

Maseru Nella campagna di Teyateyaneng Villaggio in festa Vita nelle campagne di Butha-Buthe

Ragazzi del Lesoto del nord Maseru Public Phone Bambini di Butha-Buthe

Photographies to greater solution can be found to the page Southern Africa Gallery