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Location: Caribbean
Port-au-Prince ( 890.000 inhab.)
Main Cities:
Cap-Haïtien, Gonaives
27,700 km2
1 gourde = 100 centimes
French, Creole
Roman Catholic, Protestant
The Independence's Year:
Pic La Selle (2680 m.)



It occupies the western part of the island of Hispaniola, that one toward Cuba, covering around 1/3 of whole island territory (the others 2/3 belong to the Dominican Republic).
The political and economic situation is difficult, because the nation has been torn to pieces by the long (1957. 1986) and hard dictatorship of the Duvaliers father and child, that has stained with blood the Haitian population for almost 30 years.
Subsequently democracy has been hindered by two military coup d'état, that have brought new blood and further poverty.
Economic difficulties push above all a wide part of the population to the emigration toward U.S.A. and the Dominican Republic; despite this the population overcomes 8 million inhabitants in an a territory little greater then Sicily (density of almost 300 abs / Kmq).
Despite the difficult situation the island is very beautiful with mountains, tall and jagged coasts, fabulous sea and moderate warm climate.

* Information and news of every kind (and photographic documentation) about Haiti are to disposition of the partners of the Worldwide Geographic Academy: info@accademiageograficamondiale.com


Cap Haitien Esposizione di quadri sul mare Il mare di Haiti Il mercato di Kenscoff

Il traffico di Haiti Jacmel La Cote des Arcadins La Cattedrale di Jacmel

Lungo la Cote des Arcadins Lungo le strade di Haiti Montagne interne Palme e nuvole

Petionville Port au Prince Villaggio haitiano Tramonto haitiano

Arte haitiana Ritratto di ragazza Tramonto all'Isola de la Gonave Ragazza di Jacmel Spiaggia haitiana Ragazza haitiana