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Location: Central America
Guatemala City ( 1.170.000 inhab.)
Main Cities:
Quezaltenango, Puertos Barrios, Cobán, Huehuetenango, Flores
108,889 km2
1 quetzal = 100 centavos
Roman Catholic, Protestant
The Independence's Year:
Tajumulco (4220 m.)
Izabal, Atitlan



The pacification and the democratization of the country slowly proceed; the territory from the difficult morphology, to seismic and hydrologic risk doesn't facilitate the life of the poor indios, but despite this whole country is without doubt the most beautiful of the central America.
Its towns and its villages, its customs, the splendid landscapes of the plateau and the Lake Atitlan with its tall and threatening volcanos and the strange one, beautiful atmosphere of the religious rites, where Catholicism and animism mix them in an unique match and here believable, they make the nation unforgettable and very beautiful!
On all the market and the rites of Chicicastenango are raised; the monuments and the atmosphere of Antigua; the countries around the Atitlan of Solola, S.Antonio Palopo and Santiago de Atitlan; Flores and the archaeological site of Tikal, absorbed in an exceptional tropical forest.

* Information and news of every kind (and photographic documentation) about Guatemala are to disposition of the partners of the Worldwide Geographic Academy: info@accademiageograficamondiale.com


Novembre '06
March '07
Guatemala (Reportage)

Copricapi dell' Atitlan Antigua Case di Antigua Cerimonia religiosa  a Chichicastenango

Indios a Chichicastenango Chichicastenango La Merced ad Antigua

India del Lago Atitlan Donna di S. Antonio Palopo A Tikal La chiesa di Chichicastenago

S. Antonio Palopo Tikal Processione a Santiago de Atitlan Per le strade di Antigua

Autobus del Guatemala Case ad Antigua Cimitero guatemalteco Il lago Atitlan

La cattedrale di Antigua Pappagallo sull'altipiano guatemalteco Piramide a Tikal

Photographies to greater solution can be found to the page Central and Caribbean America Gallery