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Location: Middle East
Amman ( 960.000 inhab.)
Main Cities:
Az Zarqa, Irbid, Aqabah
88,946 km2
1 Jordanian dinar = 1,000 fils
Sunni Muslim, Christian
The Independence's Year:
Jordan, uadi 'Araba
Dead Sea



The small kingdom that has been of King Hussein and now of King Abdallah is a pacific nation and today substantially democratic; it is constituted by a territory predominantly desert rich in magnificent sceneries and archaeological treasures.
Apart the modest biblical and evangelical traces, on the Jordan territory magnificent Romans rests are met, first among these the splendid city of Jerasah.
But the true attractions are two: the magnificent site nabateo of Petra, the more spectacular archaeological place of the world together with Machu Picchu, with its monuments, its pinnacles, its canyonses and its colors and the splendid desert of the Wadi Rum, the desert of Lawrence of Arabia, with to alternate of sand and of rock, with the colors amber of the sandstones carved by the wind.
The small result on the Red Sea to Aqaba reserves very beautiful backdrops especially in the zone of the Royal Diving.

* Information and news of every kind (and photographic documentation) about Jordan are to disposition of the partners of the Worldwide Geographic Academy: info@accademiageograficamondiale.com


March '08
La Giordania

Beduini a Petra Il bagno nel Mar Morto Il Cardo Maximus a Jerash Rocce a Petra

Il Wadi Rum Jerash Paesaggio Giordano Rocce al Wadi Rum

Qalat Ajlun  Ragazza a Siq al-Barid  Guardia Reale  Petra

Photographies to greater solution can be found to the page Middle East Gallery