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Location: Europe
Berlin ( 3.400.000 inhab.)
Main Cities:
Hamburg, Munich, Koln, Essen,
Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Hannover, Bremen, Dusseldorf,
Dresden, Bonn, Dortmund

357,020 km2
1 euro = 100 cents
Protestant (Lutheran), Catholic Roman
Anno di indipendenza:
Actual Germany is gathered in 1990
Alps, Black Forest, Ore Mountains
Danube, Rhine, Elbe, Meno, Neckar, Weser,




After the destructions of the second world war and the following subdivision, Germany has returned great (shortly) and united (finally later around 45 years of division among east and west).
It is a vast nation, from the moved landscape, that despite it is the third world economic power and the state more industrialized of Europe, it appears as a great agricultural country, well cultivated and covered of woods, with so many beautiful towns and villages from the architectural and urbanistic aspect a lot of uniform.
The cleaning, the order, the care of the landscape and the architectural goods, determine a very pleasant nation, beautiful to live and to visit.
How many beautiful centers Germany has: from great city as Monk, Norimberga, Colony; to the medium city of province as its spectacular Ratisbona, Goslar, Bamberga, Friburgo, Heidelberg, Lubecca; up to the enchanting countries and villages disseminated in the German lowland and in the slopes northern of the Alps as Rothenburg, Fussen, Lindau, Mittemwald, Asfeld....

* Information and news of every kind (and photographic documentation) about Germany are to disposition of the partners of the Worldwide Geographic Academy: info@accademiageograficamondiale.com


Luglio '08
Reportage da Berlino
July '08
L'Architetto a Berlino
September '11


Aprile '06
La Germania
June '06
La Romantische Strasse...nel cuore della Baviera
January '11



Dresda Eichstatt Lipsia Lubecca

Alsfeld Treviri Charlottemburg Scholss Duomo di Berlino

Il Kaiserworth a Goslar Minden Nella Foresta Nera Torri e campanili a Ratisbona

Gendarmenmarkt Il muro di Berlino Porta di Brandeburgo Nikolaiviertel

     Ratisbona Heidelberg Goslar Per le vie di Norinberga Wurzburg

Lago Alpensee Ratisbona Rothenburg ob der Tauber Berchtesgaden

Reichstag a Berlino Tetti a Nordlinghen Rothenburg ob der Tauber Sony Center a Berlino

Photographies to greater solution can be found to the page The Old Europe Gallery