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Location: Europe
Tbilisi ( 1.250.000 inhab.)
Main Cities:
Soxumi, Kutaisi, Rutsavi, Batumi
69,492 km2
1 lari = 100 tetri
Georgian, Armenian, Russian
Orthodox, Moslem
The Independence's Year:
Caucaso and Small Caucaso
Mtkvari, Kura, Rion



Caucasian nation mainly mountainous with very beautiful landscapes.
It overlooks the Black Sea to west with a discreet coastal development and with a sub-tropical climate, that opposes with that continental and rigid of the Caucasian zone.
The ethnic, religious and politics divisions have originated from the independence (1991) a lot of wars, two coup d'état, actions of terrorism, strong instability, corruption and poverty.
Nowadays there is a stable situation except in the secessionist region of Abkhazia and South Ossezia.
A quarter of the population (less than 5 million of inhabitants) lives in the capital Tbilisi, but other cities are in great development, like Kutaisi and mostly Batumi on Black Sea .

* Information and news of every kind (and photographic documentation) about Georgia are to disposition of the partners of the Worldwide Geographic Academy: info@accademiageograficamondiale.com


Akhaltsikhe Batumi Campanile a Vardzia Forno

Il Mar Nero Il Passo Goderdzi Il porto di Batumi La Cattedrale di Sioni a Tblisi

La città rupestre di Vardzia La Fortezza di Khertvisi Montagne georgiane La vecchia Tblisi

Tblisi Suora georgiana Mtsheka Sighnaghi

Bambina georgiana Bellezze georgiane Campanile di Santa Trinita Donna al Passo Goderdzi La Cattedrale di Santa Trinita a Tblisi Monaco a Vardzia

Photographies to greater solution can be found to the page Middle East Gallery