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Location: Africa
Addis Abeba ( 2.500.000 inhab.)
Main Cities:
Gondar, Bahr Dar, Dessie, Diredaua, Mekelè
1,133,882 km2
1 Ethiopian birr = 100 cents
Amharico, English, Somali
Ethiopian Orthodox, Moslem, Animist
The Independence's Year:
Acrocoro Etiopico ( Ras Dascian 4620m.)
Blue Nile, Omo, Auasc, Giuba, Uebi Scebeli
Tana, Turkana



It is a nation of north-oriental Africa very great, very various, very beautiful, very poor.
It almost has a surface 4 times greater than Italy, with an extremely various territory, constituted to a large extent from a separated healthy plateau in two sectors, that it raises it in the Simien Mountains and it is ploughed by important rivers, first among the whole Blue Nile, emissary of the splendid and vast Tana Lake.
Southeast toward Somalia, the highland degrades in very warm and damp lowlands. It doesn't have way out on the sea.
Addis Abeba (2 million and half of inhabitants) is one of the greatest markets in Africa; it is a strange city, that to a large extent it appears as an immense slum with hovels from the roofs of plate, around which the modern government buildings are raised.
The village of mountain of Lalibela, with its churches dug in the rock, is unique to the world!

* Information and news of every kind (and photographic documentation) about Ethiopia are to disposition of the partners of the Worldwide Geographic Academy: info@accademiageograficamondiale.com


October '06
October '07
L'Etiopia e la sua gente
March '08
Dai diari di viaggio: I miei ragazzi Etiopi


Axum  Cerimonia copta  Dintorni di Addis Abeba  Mercante ad Addis Abeba.

S.Giorgio a Lalibela  Gondar  Lalibela  Villaggio sul Nilo Azzurro

Donna   L'obelisco di Axum   Ragazza di Bahir Dar   Ragazza nei pressi di Gondar   Sulle montagne di Lalibela

La stazione di Addis  Bambina dell'Altopiano etiope  Donna di etnia somala

Photographies to greater solution can be found to the page Equatorial Africa Gallery