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this trip was achieved in date 2a december 2013 - 04 january 2014. On the january 2014 number of the GEOMONDO are published report about the trip.

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this trip was achieved in date 23 - 28 january 2014. On the february 2014 number of the GEOMONDO are published report about the trip.

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this trip was achieved in date 22 february 2014 - 04 march 2014. On the march 2014 number of the GEOMONDO are published report about the trip.

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this trip was achieved in date 22 - 23 march 2014. On the april 2014 number of the GEOMONDO is published a report about the itinerary.

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this trip was achieved in date 12 - 23 april 2014. On the may 2014 number of the GEOMONDO are published report about the trip.

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this trip was achieved in date 09 - 11 may 2014. On the june 2014 number of the GEOMONDO are published report about the trip.

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this trip was achieved in date 20 - 22 june 2014. On the july 2014 number of the GEOMONDO are published report about the trip.

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this trip was achieved in date 27 july - 13 august 2014. On the september 2014 number of the GEOMONDO are published report about the trip.

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this meeting was achieved in date 25 - 26 october 2014. On the november 2014 number of the GEOMONDO is published a report about the weekend.

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this trip was achieved in date 29 - 30 november 2014. On the dicember 2014 number of the GEOMONDO is published report about the trip.

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this trip was achieved in date 19 december 2014 - 1 january 2015. On the january 2015 number of the GEOMONDO is published report about the trip.

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