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Location: Europe
Copenhagen ( 1.800.000 inhab.)
Main Cities:
Århus, Odense, Ålborg, Esbjerg, Roskilde, Helsingor
43,096 km2
1 Danish krone = 100 øre
Protestant / Lutheran





Does a country in the World exist that is more beautiful and where to live is surer and pleasant?
This small constitutional monarchy formed from the peninsula of the Jylland and from around 400 well connected between them islands, some of them really great, is a green and undulated state, from the sweet landscape and full of light, where woods, fiords, lakes, sea confuse themselves in a very beautiful nation, studded of quiet and sweets towns and of fairy-tale castles (here Andersen was born and here Amleto lived).
The population is pacific and cordial and above all civil; illiteracy doesn't exist, the inflation is low, the reduced unemployment, the hope of life grazes 75 years for the men and 80 years for the women.
The taxes are elevated, but the social services work really; the cycle footsteps are diffused anywhere and they almost all have a boat to sail in the fiords and among the islands.
The only true city, Copenaghen, that welcomes 1/3 some whole Danish population, is one of the most fascinating cities, involving and cleaning up of the world.
Some smaller centers as Ribe, Ebeltoft, Skagens are so fascinating that alone they deserve the trip.


* Information and news of every kind (and photographic documentation) about Denmark are to disposition of the partners of the Worldwide Geographic Academy: info@accademiageograficamondiale.com


January '06
Castelli e Borghi Storici della Danimarca


L'Isola di Romo La spiaggia di Lokked Silkeborg Stege

Cambio della guardia Casa della Fionia Case al Nihavn Copenaghen

Frederiksborg Helsingor Il ponte Copenaghen-Malmoe Il Tivoli

Nihavn Odense Ribe Egeskov Slot

Vidareidi (Faroe) Torshavn (Faroe) Funningur (Faroe) La Piazza di Ribe

Roskilde Torre del municipio a Copenaghen Gammel Rye Skagen Le bianche scogliere di Mon La chiesa di Elmelunde

Photographies to greater solution can be found to the page The Great North Gallery