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Location: Asia
Nicosia ( 195.000 inhab. excluded the Turkish sector )
Main Cities:
Limassol, Famagusta, Larnaca
9,251 km2
1 Cyprus pound = 100 cents
Greek, Turkish
Orthodox Greek, Moslem
The Independence's Year:



It is an island of the Mediterranean offshore Syria and Turkey, therefore geographically it belongs to Asia. It is the island of Venus, that has risen from the sea along the south coasts, between Limassol and Paphos.
It is a beautiful place, surrounded by an entire sea; crossed by two mountainous chains; studded of simple seaside and mountain resort.
Unfortunately the scandal of the subdivision in two entities, among the part to Greek majority to south and the part occupied by the Turks to north, it is a very ugly thing and for now of difficulty solution.
Certainly to see the barriers of division for the roads of Nicosia is a thing that hurts and of complete absurdity!

* Information and news of every kind (and photographic documentation) about Cyprus are to disposition of the partners of the Worldwide Geographic Academy: info@accademiageograficamondiale.com



Aghios Gheorghios Baia nei pressi di Paphos Capo Akamas Yeroskipos

Faro Costa Occidentale Nei pressi di Latsi

Verso i Bagni di Afrodite La costa di Venere Monastero di Kjkko

Photographies to greater solution can be found to the page The Mediterranean Region Gallery