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Location: South America
Santiago ( 4.700.000 inhab.)
Main Cities:
Viña del Mar, Valparaiso, Concepción
756,626 km2
1 Chilean peso = 100 centavos
Roman Catholic, Protestant
The Independence's Year:
Andes ( Aconcagua 6959 m. e Ojos del Salado 6863 m)
Loa, Bìo Bìo



It's one of the longest states of the world, in fact it middly extends for around 4.300 kilometers with a wide band 170 kilometers between the sea and the Andean watershed.
Its geographical conformation, from a tropical zone up to the Earth of the Fire, it originates a great variety of landscapes and climatic environments.
It's the most evolved state and organized of the sudamerica, also thanks to long periods of constructive democracy, only interrupted by the long and hard dictatorship of the August general Pinochet between 1973 and 1988.
The highway Pan-American crosses him/it for 3369 kilometers from Arica, to the border with Peru, up to Puerto Montt, to the beginning of the patagonian region.
It also belongs to Chile the splendid Island of Easter (Rapa Nui), in the ocean Pacific to over 2.500 kilometers from the Chilean coast.

* Information and news of every kind (and photographic documentation) about Chile are to disposition of the partners of the Worldwide Geographic Academy: info@accademiageograficamondiale.com


July - August '11    
Il Deserto dell'Atacama


Guanachi al pascolo Atacama Cristalli di neve sull'Ojos del Salado Il Cile settentrionale

Il Deserto dell'Atacama Montagne cilene Lago salato Pista nel deserto

Abitazione a Puerto Natales Il Kau Lodge Faro sullo Stretto di Magellano L'Istituto antartico di Punta Arenas

La Casa Menendez a Punta Arenas Montagne e fiordi Puerto Natales Tramonto nei fiordi della Patagonia

Bahia Inglesa Cactus a Vicuna Caleta Los Hornos Copiapò

Il faro di La Serena Il Vulcano Licancabur Laguna Miscanti Miniere a Calama

Museo Precolombino Pisco Elqui S. Pedro de Atacama Salar nell'Atacama

Santiago del Cile Taltal Vigneti a Montegrande Vigogne sulle Ande

Antofagasta La Serena La Valle della Luna Toconao Vicuna Vulcano Licancabur

Photographies to greater solution can be found to the page Latin America Gallery