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Location: Europe
Capital: Sofia ( 1.140.000 inhab.)
Main Cities:
Plovdiv, Varna, Bourgas
110,994 km2
1 nuovo lev = 100 stótinki
Orthodox, Muslim
The Independence's Year:
Balkans (Mt.Botev 2376 m.), Rodopi (Mt.Musala 2925 m.)
Danubio, Marica



Balkan country among less rich of Europe. After the decades of the communist regime and the long dictatorship of Zivkov (practically to the government of the country from 1954 to 1989), Bulgaria has undertaken a process of democratization and a walk of economic improvement.
The modern Bulgaria is an ordered and civilized State , with modest but steady economic and social development and member of the European Community.
Despite the obvious improvement in economic conditions, the population is decreasing.
The capital Sofia is a beautiful city, with great museums and interesting orthodox churches, especially the Cathedrals of Sveta Nedelya and Alexander Nevsky.
Other cities in the country are full of charm, like Plovdiv and Veliko Tarnovo.
The seaside on the Black Sea in recent years has become very busy and bustling.

* Information and news of every kind (and photographic documentation) about Bulgaria are to disposition of the partners of the Worldwide Geographic Academy: info@accademiageograficamondiale.com




Fede ortodossa I Monti Balcani Galleria d'arte a Plovdiv Il Mercato di City Hali

Il Monastero di Dragalevski d'inverno L'ex Palazzo Reale a Sofia Il Teatro Romano di Plovdiv La Cattedrale di Alexander Nevsky

L'interno della Cattedrale di Alexander Nevsky La grande Moschea di Plovdiv L'inverno nella Bulgaria centrale La Cattedrale di Sveta Nedelya a Sofia

La Moschea di Banya Bashi Villaggio bulgaro d'inverno La Sinagoga di Sofia Per le strade della vecchia Plovdiv

Plovdiv Sui Monti Vitosha innevati Notturno alla Cattedrale di Alexander Nevsky Veliko Tarnovo

Case di Plovdiv Cupole a Sofia Inferriate a Plovdiv L'interno di Sveta Nedelya L'inverno a Veliko Tarnovo La Chiesa russa a Sofia