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Location: Asia
Bandar Seri Begawan (50.000 inhab.)
5,765 km2
1 Brunei dollar = 100 cents
Malayan, Chinese, English
Muslim, Buddhist, Christian
The Independence's Year:




Small sultanate in the northern part of the island of the Borneo, that understands two territories surrounded fromMalaysia.
It's governed from over 400 years from the same dynasty of sultans. The sultan is one of the richest men of the world thanks to the proceeds of the oil layers, that also guarantee good conditions of life to the subjects, that enjoy benefits for the house, education and sanitary assistance free.
The capital and principal city is Bandar Serious Begawan, where around 50.000 inhabitants live.


* Information and news of every kind (and photographic documentation) about Brunei are to disposition of the partners of the Worldwide Geographic Academy: info@accademiageograficamondiale.com


Al Kampong Ayer Bangar Kampong Ayer La barca reale

Fiume nel Temburong La piscina e il mare all'Hotel Empire Le strade dopo le piogge torrenziali Moschea Omar Ali Saifuddien

Il Fiume Bandar Seri Begawan Moschea Hassanal Bolkiah Natura nel Parco Nazionale Ulu Temburong Pozzo petrolifero

Alla Moschea di Omar La Moschea di Omar Ali Saifuddien Il minareto del ponte sospeso Cupola della Moschea di Omar L'ingresso dello stadio Moschea del Sultano Omar

Photographies to greater solution can be found to the page Central and Oriental Asia Gallery