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Location: Africa
Porto-Novo ( 180.000 inhab.)
Main Cities:
112,622 km2
1 CFA franc = 100 centimes
French, local dialects
Animist, Muslim, Roman Catholic
The Independence's Year:
Chain of the Atakora
Niger, Okpara



It's a republic of western Africa, that overlooks the Gulf of Guinea with a hold coastal band hemmed by numerous lagoons.
It was the ex French colony of the Dahomey, that has assumed the actual name in 1975.
The capital is Porto Novo on the homonym lagoon, but the greatest city is Cotonou, an important seaport on the Atlantic ocean.
It's an agricultural country, with beautiful plantations of manioc, of corn and of pineapple, but on the sea the oil is also extracted.
To Abomey the Royal Building of the ancient kingdom of the Dahomey is found, mixed of red clay and human blood, now patrimony of the humanity of the Unesco.
The north of the nation is multi-ethnic, punctuated by numerous villages with the spectacular architectures of earth and straw of the tribes Taneka, Somba and Tamberma.

* Information and news of every kind (and photographic documentation) about Benin are to disposition of the partners of the Worldwide Geographic Academy: info@accademiageograficamondiale.com
August '06
Viaggio in Africa Occidentale


Abitazione Somba Bambina beninese Capanne Taneka

Bambina Bambini Somba Capo spirituale

Cristiani Celesti Danze a Ganvič Donne a Calavi Ganvič

La Reggia di Abomey Mercato a Ganvič Pesca sulla laguna

Scarificazioni Sulle strade dell'Atakora Villaggio Somba Villaggio Taneka

Acquazzone equatoriale Bambina del Benin del Nord Ragazze Taneka

Photographies to greater solution can be found to the page Equatorial Africa Gallery