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Location: Asia
Capital: Dhaka ( 6.100.000 ab)
Main Cities:
Chittagong, Khulna, Rajshahi
147,570 km2
1 Bangladesh taka = 100 poisha
Bengali, English
Muslim, Hindu
The Independence's Year:
Gange, Tista, Brahmaputra



Bangladesh (ex Oriental Pakistan) is constituted from a vast alluvial lowland near the mouths of the Gange and the Brahmaputra.
The climate is strongly influenced by the monsoons, during which the country is frequently struck by great floods, that are also revealed often disastrous because of the elevated housing density, one of the tallest of the world: almost 900 inhabitants to Kmq.
The greatest part of the population (over 130 million inhabitants on a smaller territory of halves Italy) is devoted to the agriculture, whose profitability is hindered by the excessive fragmentation of the land ownerships and by the difficult situation of the alternation of the waters, characterized by great droughts and ruinous floods.


* Information and news of every kind (and photographic documentation) about Bangladesh are to disposition of the partners of the Worldwide Geographic Academy: info@accademiageograficamondiale.com


All'uscita di una scuola coranica Coltivazioni di riso Cox's Bazar Donne nella campagna di Ramu

Il Forte Lalbagh a Dacca Notturno a Chittagong Per le strade di Chittagong Per le strade di Sonargaon

La spiaggia di Cox's Bazar Risciò a Dacca Sonargaon Star Mosque a Dacca

Stupa nell'Isola di Maheshkhali Un caffè di Maheshkhali Tempio buddista a Ramu Tempio buddista nell'isola di Maheshkhali

Uomo sul risciò Bambina del Bangladesh L'uomo delle banane Minareto a Dacca Donna Indù Uomo con la barba rossa

Photographies to greater solution can be found to the page The Indian Region Gallery