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Location: Oceania
Canberra (325.000 inhab.)
Main Cities:
Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Hobart, Darwin
7,682,300 km2
1 Australian dollar = 100 cents
English, Indigenous
Anglican, Roman Catholic
The Independence's Year:
Australian Alps( Mt.Kosciusko 2228 m.)
Murray, Darling
Eyre (salt)



It's a nation great as a continent and of a continent introduces the physical aspects, from tall damp mountains to immense deserts; from the longest coral barrier of the world to tall and cold coasts; from the parks natural sanctuary of the wildest life to modern metropolis.
The Australia is a little inhabited and fascinating country, where the sense of isolation is perhaps the most marked to the world and where it's beautiful to lose in the labyrinth of the islands of the Great Coral Barrier. The bay of Sidney is the most beautiful of the world in competition with those of Rio de Janeiro and of San Francisco.

* Information and news of every kind (and photographic documentation) about Australia are to disposition of the partners of the Worldwide Geographic Academy: info@accademiageograficamondiale.com



July '10    
L'Australia: Sidney e Uluru, gli opposti


Airlie Beach Brisbane Cairns Canguri

Canguro al Kelly Hill Conservation Park Great Kappel Island Hamilton Island Harbour Bridge

Il Fiume Johnston nella Mamu Canopy Walk Forest Josephine Falls Koala L'Harbour Bridge

L'Opera House Mackay Manly Beach McDonnel Range

Rockhampton Sidney Townsville Uluru

Uluru al tramonto Withsunday Island Town of 1770 Opera House

A Brisbane Gole nelle McDonnell Range Mission Beach Sorgente all'Uluru


Photographies to greater solution can be found to the page Oceania Gallery