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Location: Asia
Tashkent (2.200.000 inhab.)
Main Cities:
Samarqand, Namangand, Andizon, Bukhara, Urgenc
447,400 km2
1 som = 100 tiyin
Uzbek, Russian
The Independence's Year:
Amudar'ja, Syrdar'ja



It is undoubtedly the most beautiful born states from the dismemberment of the ex Soviet Union of the central Asia.
In the towns the horrible mark of the Soviet urbanization remains, in the people the uneasiness for the work lack and the economic precarious conditions is strongly; on the shores of Aral Lake the ambient damages are clear; however the beauty of the customs, of the markets, even of the people's somatic markes and the glamour of a few old city centres exceeds every uneasiness and it leaves a sense of enchanted astonishment.
Khiva is very beautiful, is a mirage of minarets and deserted mosques, but the hand of the Soviet restoration seems a little too heavy; the Rejastan to Samarcanda is fantastic of domes, minarets and tiles made of turquoise ceramics, but in front of it there is a thruway and the town around is a little dreary; to Bukhara however there is not nothing that changes the glamour of an old city centre very beautiful and very big, that takes back of hundreds of years, in a wonderful town on the street of the silk, full of alleys, squares, fountains, mederse, mosques, courtyards, amazing minarets and authentic markets.

* Information and news of every kind (and photographic documentation) about Uzbekistan are to disposition of the partners of the Worldwide Geographic Academy: info@accademiageograficamondiale.com
April '07
Lungo la Via della Seta,
da Khiva a Kashgar

February '08
Dai diari di viaggio: La frontiera tra Uzbekistan e Kazakistan

Al mercato di Samarcanda Al mercato di Shakhrisabz Bambina a Khiva Bambina a Shakhrisabz

Bukhara Cuoco di strada a Samarcanda

Il Registan di Samarcanda Khiva Narghiza e la sua amica

Panorama di Khiva Per le strade di Khiva Samarcanda Uzbeko di Bukhara

Il grande minareto di Khiva Cupole e minareti a Bukhara Char Minar a Bukhara

Photographies to greater solution can be found to the page Central and Oriental Asia Gallery